Terms & Conditions
Charity Number 302449
By proceeding with your booking you are deemed to have accepted the following terms and conditions for the hire of the hall. (see clause #21).
Agreements with the Trustees of Radwell Village Hall (“the Village Hall”) for the hire of Radwell Village Hall or any part thereof (“the Premises”) are subject to these Terms and Conditions of Hire (“the Hire Conditions”).
1 Undertaking of the Hirer
The Hirer undertakes to ensure that they have an understanding of the Hire Conditions for the time being in force.
2 Supervision by the Hirer
The Hirer undertakes to be present, or arrange for sufficient adult representatives to be present, throughout the hiring to ensure compliance with the provisions and stipulations contained or referred to in these Hire Conditions and any relevant licenses.
3 Responsibility of the Hirer
The Hirer shall be responsible during the period of hire for:-
Being familiar with, and complying with these terms and conditions for the use of the Village Hall
Ensuring that the Premises including the car park are kept secure for the duration of the hire
Supervision of the use of the Premises and the care of its fabric and contents
Ensuring that the Premises (including all rooms ,kitchen, kitchen appliances ,kitchen equipment and crockery etc ,and toilets as appropriate) are left clean and the hall left in a clean and presentable and tidy condition with rubbish removed from the hall premises at the end of the hire.
The hall is on a septic tank drainage system (not mains drainage) so the hirer must please ensure other than toilet tissue nothing else is flushed down the toilets,and any other items should be placed in the bins by the toilets and removed by the hirer as part of their removal of all rubbish .
Please note there is no dustbin/rubbish facilities at the hall and the hirer must take all their rubbish away with them
Ensuring that all equipment, chairs, and tables have been returned to their storage positions safely, the Premises are cleared of people, all lights switched off, and the building secured.
The exception to this that any tables are left out as the table tops take time to dry from the cleaning.
Please note that some of the tables are heavy and require two people to move them .Please do not drag the tables across the wooden floor as they will scratch it.
Ensuring that any temporary fittings and fixtures comply with Health and Safety guidance, and in particular ensuring that any decorations used are not a fire hazard
Ensure that no posters /artwork/leaflets or the like of are sellotaped or blu tacked , or fixed in anyway , to walls or woodwork.as their removal could cause paintwork to come off and the repair is costly
Ensuring that any equipment or electrical appliances brought onto the Premises and used there shall be certified safe and in good working order, and used in a safe manner
Ensuring that no animals (including birds), except assist dogs are brought into the building, without written permission of the Village Hall on the occasion of a special event or hire agreed to by the Village Hall
Ensuring that no animals whatsoever enter the kitchen at any time
Ensuring that no Barbeques, LPG appliances or highly flammable substances are brought onto the Premises without written permission from the trustees
Ensuring that bouncy castles are only erected in the garden and under no circumstances whatsoever to be erected internally in the hall.
Ensuring that they and their attendees recognise the fact that the Premises are situated in a residential neighbourhood and conduct themselves accordingly by, for example, taking care not to slam car doors, especially late at night, and not playing music or making other sounds at inappropriate levels
Music played at events must finish no later than 11.30 pm
If live bands are playing they must finish by no later than 10.30pm
When any music is playing all external doors to the hall must remain closed
The event must finish and the hall left in the condition as outlined in this section by midnight.
The hirer must make arrangements with the Village Hall booking administrator for the collection and return of the keys
Be aware that the maximum seating capacity for the hall is 80 persons
4 Bookings which may be refused
The Village Hall booking administrator, on behalf of the trustees, has the right to refuse any booking for whatever reason, including concern over potential noise levels and other nuisances especially to neighbours. With this in mind, the hall is unlikely to accept bookings for teenage parties.
5 Cancellation
No charge if cancelled 4 weeks or more before a booking
50% of booking charge is due if cancellation is between 4 and 1 weeks before a booking
100% of booking charge is due if cancellation is 1 week or less before a booking
6 Payment terms
For a single booking payment is made at the time of booking.
For a series of bookings payment can be made monthly in advance.
A minimum off 2 hours is required per booking.
The booking starts from the set-up of the event and finishes once the event is finished and the hall left in the condition as outlined in section 3.
Payment is to be made via bank transfer
Lloyds Bank
Account – Radwell Village Hall
Charity no ( if requested ) 302449
Sort code 30-94-30
Account no 01864797
7 Deposit
A deposit is required for all adult parties. If the hall is not left in an acceptable state deduction will be made before the deposit is returned.
8 Fire Safety Risk Assessment
Please read the very important information at the end of term of these terms and conditions at the bottom of this page.
9 Use of Premises
The Hirer shall not:-
sub-let or use the Premises for any purpose other than that described in their Booking Application
use the premises or allow the Premises to be used for any unlawful purpose or in any unlawful way
do anything or bring onto the Premises anything which may endanger the Premises or render invalid any insurance policies in respect thereof
allow the use of drugs on the Premises
allow smoking in the Premises, or in the vicinity of the entrances.
10 Car Parking
Vehicles are parked at owner’s risk and may be parked only in the marked spaces. The disabled space at the side of the hall is reserved for disabled vehicles only but may be used temporarily for unloading.
The car park barrier is kept locked and can be opened by using the key in the key safe and it is the Hirers responsibility to lock the padlock and secure the barrier when the last car has left.
The car park lighting is on a time delay swich that can be found in the right-hand side storeroom as you enter the hall. It can only be switched on for 2 hours (or less) at time so if needed, it needs to be switched on again.
The outside lighting between the hall and car park on the entrance to The Limes is not in the control of the village hall.
If additional parking is needed, as the hall is in a residential area, we would politely ask the Hirer to ensure all users to park their cars before the entrance to the car (back towards the A1 bridge) and not beyond it into the village.
11 Licence and other relevant legislation
The Hirer is responsible for:
Notifying that Village Hall that they are running a bar and selling alcohol. Licensed bars may be arranged by the Hirer in accordance with the Licensing Regulations. It is the Hirer’s responsibility to ensure that they have complied with the legislation.
Ensuring that Alcohol is not served to any person under the age of 18 years.
Ensuring no excessive noise occurs, particularly late at night or early morning, with a minimum of noise being made by any person on arrival or departure
The Hirer shall ensure that the users:
do not contravene the law relating to gaming, betting, and lotteries
comply with all conditions and regulations required by the Licensing Act, particularly in connection with events which include public dancing or music, or stage plays, or films, or similar entertainment taking place at the premises.
A breach of this condition may lead to prosecution by the local authority.
Music Licences
The Hirer is responsible for ensuring that they have an appropriate music licence.
In general, private hire does not require any additional licence.
If the Hirer is operating as a business or is organising an event where the profit does not go entirely to the voluntary organisation, then the hirer is responsible for obtaining a PPL licence (Public Performance Licence).
12 Compliance with legislation relating to children or vulnerable adults
For all bookings involving children or vulnerable adults, except private parties where the Hirer is a family member, the Hirer is required to have their own safeguarding policy and must ensure that those who work with young people or vulnerable adults hold a current DBS certificate.
The Hirer shall ensure that any activities at the Premises for children or vulnerable adults comply with current legislation in that regard and that only fit and proper persons have access to children or vulnerable adults. Child Protection Policies are the responsibility of the Hirer.
13 Indemnity
The Hirer shall indemnify and keep indemnified each of the Trustees of the Village Hall and their employees, volunteers, agents and invitees against:
the cost of repair of any damage done to any part of the Premises including the curtilage thereof or the contents of the Premises
against all actions, claims, and costs of proceedings arising from any breach of the Hall Conditions
all claims in respect of damages, including damage for loss of property or injury to persons, arising as a result of the use of the Premises (including the storage of equipment) by the Hirer
As directed by the Village Hall, the Hirer shall make good or pay for all damage (including accidental damage) to the Premises or to the fixtures, fittings or contents and for loss of contents
14 Insurance
The Hirer is responsible for ensuring that any third party such as a catering company or operator hired to bring equipment such as bouncy castles onto the Premises has relevant and appropriate insurance, which shall include public liability insurance.
If the Hirer is operating as a business, they are responsible for ensuring that they have relevant and appropriate insurance, which shall include public liability insurance.
15 Accidents and Dangerous Occurrences
The Hirer must report all accidents involving injury to the public to an authorised representative of the Village Hall booking administrator, as soon as possible, and complete the relevant section in the Village Hall’s Accident Book. The hirer shall ensure the appropriate medical assistance is sought, or an ambulance is called.
Any failure of equipment, either that belonging to the Village Hall, or brought in by the Hirer must also be reported as soon as possible.
16 Stored equipment
The Village Hall accepts no responsibility for any stored equipment or other property brought onto or left at the premises and all liability for loss or damage is hereby excluded.
All equipment and other property, other than that stored on the premises by agreement, must be removed at the end of each hiring or storage period. The Village Hall may dispose of any such items 7 days thereafter at its discretion, by sale or otherwise on such terms and conditions as it thinks fit and charge the Hirer daily storage fees and costs incurred in storing and selling or otherwise disposing of the same.
17 No alterations
Decorations may be hung from the ornamental bosses/hooks provided on the side walls, if pictures are carefully removed and then replaced, on the walls but not elsewhere. On request, Hirers must produce a certificate that the decorations are not a fire hazard. No Blu-tack, drawing pins, adhesive tape or similar may be used.
No other alterations or additions may be made to the Premises, and no fixtures may be installed, or placards, or other articles be attached in any way to any part of the Premises without the prior written approval of the Village Hall.
Any alteration, fixture or fitting, or attachment, so approved, shall, at the discretion of the Village Hall, remain in the Premises at the end of the hiring and become the property of the Village Hall or be removed by the Hirer. The Hirer must make good to the satisfaction of the Village Hall any damage caused to the Premises by such removal.
18 Interruption of Regular Bookings
If a Hirer is a regular weekly user, the Village Hall reserves the right to cancel all, or part of, certain bookings in favour of one-off bookings in the unlikely event they occur. Such cancellations shall not occur more than once a month, and at least four weeks’ notice shall be given of such cancellation. An example of this is the hall is used as a polling station for national and local elections.
The Village Hall reserves the right to nominate a specified weekday evening as not being available for regular weekly bookings, so that priority can be given to monthly, or less frequent, bookings.
19 Cancellation by the Village Hall
The Village Hall reserves the right to cancel a hiring by written notice to the Hirer in the event of a national emergency, or similar force majeur situation that requires the Premises to be closed, or of the Premises being required for use as a Polling Station for a Parliamentary or Local Government election or bye-election or referendum or if the Village Hall reasonably consider that:
such hiring may lead to a breach of the licensing conditions, or other legal or statutory requirements, or
unlawful or unsuitable activities may take place at the Premises as a result of the hiring, or
the Premises have become unfit for the use intended by the Hirer
In any such case the Hirer shall be entitled to a refund of any deposit or hire fees already paid, but the Village Hall shall not be liable for any resulting direct or indirect loss or damages whatsoever.
20 Public Health
The Hirer is responsible for conforming to all Public Health legislation and guidance that relates to the control of viral pandemics or diseases such as Covid-19 and to take reasonable precautions to stop the spread of the virus
21 Acceptance
These Terms and Conditions will have been made available to the Hirer at the time of making the booking. By proceeding with the booking the Hirer is deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions.
Fire Safety Risk Assessment
A safety guide for hirers and users of the hall
Description of premises
Radwell Village Hall is community building situated to the east of the village and is the first building on northern side of Radwell Lane as the village is entered from the A 507.
The building is brick built with a tiled roof and comprises
Small entrance lobby
Main hall
Separate kitchen with oven and hob, microwave, hot water heater and cupboard with oil fired boiler
Two storerooms/cloakroom
Inner lobby with store off and toilet
Further disabled toilet
Front and rear gardens
Car park with space for 13 cars
Emergency exits
Three emergency exits lead directly out of the building. They are clearly lit with emergency lighting. They are
1 – the main double entrance doors that lead in and out of the hall and the hirer must ensure they remain unlocked when the hall is in use.
2 – the Kitchen door – this is the door that the hirer gains access to the hall with the key and must remain unlocked when the hall is in use.
3 – the side door of the hall on the eastern side. It is important to note that this door is kept locked when the hall is not in use. It is the responsibility of the hirer to unlock this door before any event starts and then to lock it again when the event has finished. This is also the designated disabled entrance/exit.
It is important to ensure these emergencies exits are kept clear at all times and not blocked.
Assembly point
The designated assembly point is the car park to the east of the hall.
It is important to note that the entrance to the small housing estate called The Limes is between the hall and car park and this road must not be blocked at any time and is the likely location for the fire engine to park.
No Smoking. The hall is a no smoking area
No fireworks, gas appliances, flammable substances or ignited candles are permitted
Fire extinguishers are in the main hall and the kitchen and are regularly inspected.
There is a fire blanket in the kitchen.
Terms and conditions of hire are available on the village hall website
It is important to note that the trustees are not in attendance during a booked event
The Hirer undertakes to ensure that they understand the Hire Conditions in force together with this fire safety risk assessment.
The hirer is deemed to be the ‘Responsible Person’ and is designated as the person in charge of the hall during the hire period and part of that responsibility includes the Hirer making themselves aware of the Items in this Fire Safety Risk Assessment and inform the guests prior to the start of an event.
It is advisable for the Hirer to take a note of the name of everyone attending the event.
Disabled Persons: At a typical function there may be a limited number of disabled persons. It
is the responsibility of hirers to ensure disabled persons are given adequate assistance in the event of an evacuation noting where the emergency exit is for disabled people as noted earlier.
Children: It is the responsibility of hirers to ensure all children within the Hall are supervised
In the event of a fire
Dial 112
1. The hirer being the responsible person will instruct all persons to leave the building using the nearest available Emergency Exit and to muster together in the Assembly Point
2. A roll call should be taken
3. No matter how small the Fire, call the Fire Brigade. There is no public telephone at the hall or in Radwell so a mobile phone must be used. Give this address
Radwell Village Hall, Radwell Lane , Radwell ,Baldock , Herts ,SG7 5EP
4. The Hirer/Responsible Person should ensure that once the Village Hall has been evacuated, members of the public do not re-enter the building to collect personal belongings, etc. under any circumstances.
5. On the arrival of the Fire Brigade, the Hirer/Responsible Person should report to the Officer in Charge that a Roll Call has taken place and all persons are safe or should inform him/her of anyone who is missing from their last known position.
6. Attempts to extinguish the outbreak of fire using the fire extinguishers should be only carried out if it is considered to be safe and only after the fire brigade has been called. If any doubt, get out of the building.
7. After you have carried out all the above, and circumstances allow it, please call 07860 837484 (Chairman of the Village Hall)